AB665,22,1614 (c) The department shall determine the most appropriate way to evaluate the
15following criteria and shall require those criteria to be evaluated in both the control
16and treatment groups:
AB665,22,1717 1. Strengthened family functioning.
AB665,22,1818 2. Enhanced child development.
AB665,22,1919 3. Positive parenting practices.
AB665,22,2320 (d) All counties and Indian tribes selected for participation in the 1997-99 state
21fiscal biennium but not selected for the evaluation shall also gather data on the
22criteria specified in pars. (a) to (c) for persons participating in the home visitation
23program under sub. (4) (b) 1. and shall submit the data to the department.
AB665,23,524 (e) If the federal health care financing administration disallows
25reimbursement for case management services provided to medical

1assistance-eligible participants in the treatment groups specified in par. (a), the
2department shall apply for funding from private organizations to provide for the
3disallowed reimbursement of the federal share of medical assistance for case
4management services provided as part of the home visitation program in the 2 urban
5counties for the 2-year period during which the evaluation is being conducted.
Note: Outlines the program evaluation to be performed in 2 of the urban counties
initially selected for the program in the 1997-99 state fiscal biennium. Two urban
counties will be selected to conduct the evaluation, which will be an experimental design
which randomly assigns individuals eligible for program participation into control and
treatment groups. Persons in the control group may not receive the case management
services under s. 46.515 (4) (b) 1., stats., as created by the bill, or payments from the
flexible fund under s. 46.515 (6) (b) 1., stats., as created by the bill. Specifies the criteria
which will be measured for these control and treatment groups. Further specifies that
the counties and Indian tribes which receive prevention grants but which are not selected
for the evaluation must also collect data on those criteria for persons participating in the
home visitation program under s. 46.515 (4) (b) 1., stats., as created by the bill, and must
submit the data to DHFS.
AB665,23,8 6(8) Technical assistance and training. The department shall provide
7technical assistance and training to counties and Indian tribes that are selected to
8participate in the program under this section.
Note: Provides that DHFS must provide technical assistance and training to
counties and Indian tribes that are selected to participate in the prevention program. As
set forth in attachment 1 to Legislative Council staff Child Abuse and Neglect memo no.
20, Summary of Recommendations Relating to Providing Technical Assistance and
Training (April 24, 1997), DHFS, the University of Wisconsin cooperative extension
service and others have developed a training and technical assistance plan which the
special committee understands will be used to provide technical assistance and training
to grantees.
AB665, s. 8 9Section 8. 46.515 (1) (b) 1. c. of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act
10.... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB665,24,311 46.515 (1) (b) 1. c. A family that includes a person who has contacted a county
12department, as defined in s. 48.02 (2g), or an Indian tribe that has been awarded a
13grant under this section or, in a county having a population of 500,000 or more that
14has been awarded a grant under this section, the department or a licensed child
15welfare agency under contract with the department requesting assistance to prevent

1abuse or neglect of a child in the person's family and with respect to which an
2individual responding to the request has determined that all of the conditions in
3subd. 2. exist.
Note: The 1997 budget act, 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, transfers the duty and
authority to provide child welfare services in Milwaukee County from the Milwaukee
County department of social services to DHFS, effective January 1, 1998. The budget act
also permits DHFS to contract with a licensed child welfare agency to provide those
services. This bill reconciles this provision of this bill with that transfer of duty and
authority by the budget act.
AB665, s. 9 4Section 9. 48.981 (8) (a) and (d) 1. of the statutes are amended to read:
AB665,24,185 48.981 (8) (a) The department and county departments to the extent feasible
6shall conduct continuing education and training programs for staff of the
7department, county departments and tribal social services departments, persons
8and officials required to report, the general public and others as appropriate. The
9programs shall be designed to encourage reporting of child abuse and neglect, to
10encourage self-reporting and voluntary acceptance of services and to improve
11communication, cooperation and coordination in the identification, prevention and
12treatment of child abuse and neglect. Programs provided for staff of county
13departments and licensed child welfare agencies under contract with county
14departments whose responsibilities include the investigation or treatment of child
15abuse and neglect shall also be designed to provide information on means of
16recognizing and appropriately responding to domestic abuse, as defined in s. 46.95
17(1) (a).
The department and county departments shall develop public information
18programs about child abuse and neglect.
Note: Requires that continuing education and training programs that are provided
for staff of county departments and licensed child welfare agencies under contract with
county departments whose responsibilities include the investigation or treatment of child
abuse and neglect also be designed to provide information on means of appropriately
responding to and recognizing domestic abuse, as defined in s. 46.95 (1) (a), stats. See the
Prefatory note for an explanation of that definition.
1(d) 1. Each county department or licensed child welfare agency under contract
2with a county department staff member and supervisor whose responsibilities
3include investigation or treatment of child abuse and neglect shall successfully
4complete training in child abuse and neglect protective services approved by the
5department. The training shall include information on means of recognizing and
6appropriately responding to domestic abuse, as defined in s. 46.95 (1) (a).
7department shall monitor compliance with this subdivision according to rules
8promulgated by the department.
Note: Requires that the training required of each staff member and supervisor of
a county department or licensed child welfare agency under contract with a county
department whose responsibilities include investigation or treatment of child abuse and
neglect include information on means of recognizing and appropriately responding to
domestic abuse, as defined in s. 46.95 (1) (a), stats. See the Prefatory note for an
explanation of that definition.
AB665, s. 10 9Section 10. 48.981 (8) (a) and (d) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 1997
10Wisconsin Acts 27
and .... (this act), are repealed and recreated to read:
AB665,26,711 48.981 (8) (a) The department, the county departments and a licensed child
12welfare agency under contract with the department in a county having a population
13of 500,000 or more to the extent feasible shall conduct continuing education and
14training programs for staff of the department, the county departments, a licensed
15child welfare agency under contract with the department or a county department,
16and the tribal social services departments, persons and officials required to report,
17the general public and others as appropriate. The programs shall be designed to
18encourage reporting of child abuse and neglect, to encourage self-reporting and
19voluntary acceptance of services and to improve communication, cooperation and
20coordination in the identification, prevention and treatment of child abuse and
21neglect. Programs provided for staff of the department, county departments and
22licensed child welfare agencies under contract with county departments or, in a

1county having a population of 500,000 or more, the department whose
2responsibilities include the investigation or treatment of child abuse and neglect
3shall also be designed to provide information on means of recognizing and
4appropriately responding to domestic abuse, as defined in s. 46.95 (1) (a). The
5department, the county departments and a licensed child welfare agency under
6contract with the department in a county having a population of 500,000 or more
7shall develop public information programs about child abuse and neglect.
AB665,26,148 (d) 1. Each agency staff member and supervisor whose responsibilities include
9investigation or treatment of child abuse and neglect shall successfully complete
10training in child abuse and neglect protective services approved by the department.
11The training shall include information on means of recognizing and appropriately
12responding to domestic abuse, as defined in s. 46.95 (1) (a). The department shall
13monitor compliance with this subdivision according to rules promulgated by the
Note: The 1997 budget act, 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, amends s. 48.981 (8) (a) and (d)
1., stats., effective January 1, 1998. This Section reconciles the treatment of s. 48.981
(8) (a) and (d) 1., stats., by this bill and the budget act.
AB665, s. 11 15Section 11. 48.982 (2e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB665,26,2216 48.982 (2e) Nonstock, nonprofit corporation. (a) The board may organize
17and maintain a nonstock, nonprofit corporation under ch. 181 for the exclusive
18purpose of soliciting and accepting contributions, grants, gifts and bequests for the
19children's trust fund. Any contributions, grants, gifts or bequests accepted by the
20corporation shall be deposited in the children's trust fund and, in accordance with the
21wishes of the donor, shall be used for any of the purposes specified in sub. (2m) or
22shall continue to accumulate in the children's trust fund pursuant to s. 25.67 (2).
1(b) The board shall enter into a contract with any corporation organized and
2maintained under par. (a). The contract shall provide that the board may make use
3of the services of the corporation and that the board may provide administrative
4services to the corporation. The type and scope of any administrative services
5provided by the board to the corporation and the board employes assigned to perform
6the services shall be determined by the board. The corporation may neither employ
7staff nor engage in political activities.
AB665,27,118 (c) The corporation under par. (a) shall donate any real property to the state
9within 5 years after acquiring the property unless holding the property for more than
105 years is consistent with sound business and financial practices and is approved by
11the joint committee on finance.
AB665,27,1512 (d) The board, the department of administration, the legislative fiscal bureau,
13the legislative audit bureau and the appropriate committee of each house of the
14legislature, as determined by the presiding officer, may examine all records of the
AB665,27,2116 (e) The board of directors of any corporation established under this subsection
17shall consist of 5 members, including the chairperson of the child abuse and neglect
18prevention board and 4 members of the child abuse and neglect prevention board,
19elected by the child abuse and neglect prevention board, of which one shall be a
20legislator. No 2 members of the board of directors may be from the same category of
21child abuse and neglect prevention board members under s. 15.195 (4) (a) to (g).
AB665,28,222 (f) Any corporation established under this subsection shall be organized so that
23contributions to it will be deductible from adjusted gross income under section 170
24of the Internal Revenue Code, as defined under s. 71.01 (6), and so that the

1corporation will be exempt from taxation under section 501 of the Internal Revenue
2Code, as defined under s. 71.22 (4), and under s. 71.26 (1) (a).
Note: This Section authorizes the board to organize a nonstock, nonprofit
corporation for the purpose of soliciting and accepting contributions for the CTF, as
discussed in the prefatory note.
AB665, s. 12 3Section 12. 48.982 (6) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB665,28,174 48.982 (6) (d) The board shall award grants to organizations for programs that
5provide parenting education services but not crisis intervention. Grants shall be
6used for direct parent education and referrals to other social services programs and
7outreach programs, including programs that provide education to parents in their
8homes. For organizations applying for grants for the first time on or after the
9effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the board shall give
10favorable consideration in awarding grants to organizations for programs in
11communities where home visitation programs that provide in-home visitation
12services to parents with newborn infants are in existence or are in development and,
13if grants are awarded, shall require programs supported by grants to maximize
14coordination with these home visitation programs.
Programs supported by the
15grants shall track individual clients to ensure that they receive necessary services
16and shall emphasize direct services to families with children who are 3 years of age
17or less.
Note: Amends current law relating to the awarding of early childhood family
education center grants by the child abuse and neglect prevention board by requiring the
board, for organizations that are applying for grants for the first time on or after the
effective date of this bill, to give favorable consideration in awarding the grants to
organizations for programs in communities where home visitation programs that provide
in-home visitation services to parents with newborn infants are in existence or are in
development. If grants are awarded, the programs supported by the grants must
maximize coordination with these home visitation programs.
AB665, s. 13 18Section 13. 49.45 (25) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
149.45 (25) (b) A county, city, village or town may elect to make case
2management services under this subsection available in the county, city, village or
3town to one or more of the categories of beneficiaries under par. (am) through the
4medical assistance program. A Except as provided in par. (bc), a county, city, village
5or town that elects to make the services available shall reimburse a case
6management provider for the amount of the allowable charges for those services
7under the medical assistance program that is not provided by the federal
Note: Cross-references the exception in s. 49.45 (25) (bc), as created by the bill,
to the requirement under current law that a county, city, village or town that elects to
make MA case management services available to one or more of the categories of MA
beneficiaries listed in s. 49.45 (25) (am) 1. to 13., stats., must reimburse a case
management provider for the amount of the allowable charges that is not provided by the
federal government.
AB665, s. 14 9Section 14. 49.45 (25) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Acts
and .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB665,29,1911 49.45 (25) (b) A county, city, village, town or, in a county having a population
12of 500,000 or more, the department may elect to make case management services
13under this subsection available in the county, city, village or town to one or more of
14the categories of beneficiaries under par. (am) through the medical assistance
15program. Except as provided in par. (bc), a county, city, village, town or, in a county
16having a population of 500,000 or more, the department that elects to make the
17services available shall reimburse a case management provider for the amount of the
18allowable charges for those services under the medical assistance program that is not
19provided by the federal government.
Note: The 1997 budget act, 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, amends s. 49.45 (25) (b), stats.,
effective January 1, 1998. This Section reconciles the treatment of s. 49.45 (25) (b),
stats., by this bill and the budget act.
AB665, s. 15 20Section 15. 49.45 (25) (bc) of the statutes is created to read:
149.45 (25) (bc) If a county, other than a county with a population of 500,000 or
2more, or an Indian tribe elects to make case management services under this
3subsection available to the category of beneficiaries under par. (am) 9. and if that
4county or Indian tribe is the recipient of a grant under s. 46.515, the department shall
5reimburse a case management provider for the amount of the allowable charges for
6case management services under the medical assistance program that is not
7reimbursed by the federal government if those services are provided to a child who
8is a member of a family that receives home visitation program services under s.
946.515 (4) (b) 1.
Note: With limited exceptions, case management services are reimbursable under
MA only if provided to an MA beneficiary who receives case management services from
or through a certified case management provider in a county, city, village or town that
elects under s. 49.45 (25) (b), stats., to make the services available to one or more of the
categories of MA beneficiaries listed in s. 49.45 (25) (am) 1. to 13., stats., and the MA
beneficiary is in one of the elected categories. One of the categories that may be elected
is s. 49.45 (25) (am) 9., stats., that is, "a member of a family that has a child who is at risk
of serious physical, mental or emotional dysfunction, as defined [by DHFS]".
The bill provides that if a county, other than Milwaukee County, or an Indian tribe
elects to make the MA case management services available to those "at-risk" MA
beneficiaries and if the county or Indian tribe is the recipient of a prevention grant under
s. 46.515, stats., as created by the bill, then DHFS, not the county or Indian tribe, must
reimburse a case management provider for the amount of the allowable charges that is
not provided by the federal government. This reimbursement is for case management
services provided to a child who is a member of a family that receives home visitation
services under s. 46.515 (4) (b) 1., stats., as created by the bill, that is, those first-time,
MA-eligible parents who are selected for risk assessment, who undergo the assessment,
who are found to be at risk of perpetrating child abuse and neglect and who are offered
and accept home visitation program services. (Section 49.45 (25) (c), stats., provides that
DHFS must reimburse the provider for the federal portion of the allowable charges.)
AB665, s. 16 10Section 16. 49.45 (25) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB665,30,1411 49.45 (25) (c) Except as provided in pars. (b), (bc), (be) and (bg), the department
12shall reimburse a provider of case management services under this subsection only
13for the amount of the allowable charges for those services under the medical
14assistance program that is provided by the federal government.
Note: Creates an additional exception to the requirement under current law that
DHFS must reimburse a provider for case management services only for allowable
charges approved by the federal government for MA, in order to take into account s. 49.45

(25) (bc), as created by the bill. This Section also provides in s. 49.45 (25) (c), stats., a
cross-reference to s. 49.45 (25) (b), stats., to acknowledge that s. 49.45 (25) (b), stats., also
provides an exception to the requirement that DHFS must reimburse a provider for case
management services only for allowable charges approved by the federal government for
AB665, s. 17 1Section 17. Nonstatutory provisions; health and family services.
AB665,31,92 (1) If the department of health and family services is unable to obtain funding
3from private sources for the evaluation under section 46.515 (7) (a) of the statutes,
4as created by this act, or funding for the federal share of medical assistance case
5management services provided as part of the home visitation program in the 2
6counties selected for the evaluation, as specified under section 46.515 (7) (d) of the
7statutes, as created by this act, the department shall submit a request to the joint
8committee on finance for consideration of funding under the procedures set forth in
9sections 13.10 and 13.101 of the statutes.
Note: Requires DHFS to submit a request for funding to the joint committee on
finance, under the procedures in ss. 13.10 and 13.101, stats., in the event that DHFS is
unable to obtain private funding for the home visitation program evaluation or for
providing home visitation program case management services in the 2 evaluation
counties if MA reimbursement is disallowed by the federal government for those
evaluation counties.
AB665,31,1710 (2) Of the amounts appropriated to the department of health and family
11services under section 20.435 (5) (o) of the statutes, the department shall expend
12$675,760 in fiscal year 1997-98 and $1,351,520 in fiscal year 1998-99 to fund the
13federal share for providing medical assistance case management services to persons
14in the home visitation program under section 46.515 (4) (b) 1. of the statutes, as
15created by this act, and to persons for whom a county or Indian tribe reimburses a
16case management provider under section 46.515 (4) (a) 3. of the statutes, as created
17by this act.
Note: Requires DHFS to expend $675,760 in fiscal year 1997-98 and $1,351,520
in fiscal year 1998-99 from the federal program revenue appropriation for the MA
program to fund the federal share for providing MA case management services to: (a)
persons in the home visitation program under s. 46.515 (4) (b) 1., stats., as created by the
bill; and (b) persons who are defined as "cases" under s. 46.515 (1) (b), stats., as created

by the bill, for whom a county or Indian tribe uses prevention grant funds to reimburse
a case management provider for the nonfederal portion of allowable charges for case
management services.
AB665, s. 18 1Section 18. Appropriation changes; health and family services.
AB665,32,82 (1)In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation
3to the department of health and family services under section 20.435 (5) (b) of the
4statutes, as affected by the acts of 1997, the dollar amount is increased by $197,000
5for fiscal year 1997-98 and the dollar amount is increased by $394,000 for fiscal year
61998-99 to fund the state share for providing medical assistance case management
7services to persons in the home visitation program under section 46.515 (4) (b) 1. of
8the statutes, as created by this act.
Note: Increases the general purpose revenue appropriation for the MA program
by $197,000 GPR in fiscal year 1997-98 and by $394,000 GPR in fiscal year 1998-99 to
fund the state share for providing MA case management services to persons in the home
visitation program under s. 46.515, stats., as created by the bill.
AB665, s. 19 9Section 19. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
10except as follows:
AB665,32,1311 (1) The repeal and recreation of sections 46.515 (1) (b) 1. c., 48.981 (8) (a) and
12(d) 1. and 49.45 (25) (b) of the statutes takes effect on January 1, 1998, or on the day
13after publication, whichever is later.
AB665,32,1514 (2) The repeal and recreation of section 25.67 (2) (a) 1. and (b) of the statutes
15takes effect on January 1, 1999.
AB665,32,1616 (End)